

The Community Assistance and Protection Services (CAPS) project to Cameroonian Refugees in Nigeria is a project funded by United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) Nigeria, it starts in January and ends December 2023. The project seeks to improve the protection situation, and restore the dignity of the most vulnerable among United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees’ people of concern in Cross River, Benue, Akwa Ibom and Taraba State Nigeria; through the provision of dignified living conditions, and respond to the critical basic needs of vulnerable refugees.

The project will also focus on the provision of cash assistance for food, providing transitional shelters for refugees in Ogoja and Ikyogen refugee settlements, warehouse/logistics management, and the renovation/construction of various projects within communities hosting refugees to reduce pressure on already dilapidated facilities while improving services.

Rhema Care will distribute Cash Based Intervention (CBI) (cash assistance for food) through cash in an envelope, until the UNHCR digital bank platform is fully operational and all refugees living in Akwa Ibom, Cross River (Adagom and Ukende Refugee Settlement) and Taraba have been registered by the bank and have operational bank accounts.

Shelter is a vital survival mechanism in times of crisis or displacement. It is also key to restoring personal security, self-sufficiency and dignity. That is why Rhema Care through support from UNHCR will be proving Transitional shelters to registered persons UNHCR serves (PUS) in Refugee settlements in Ogoja, Cross River State and Ikyogen, Benue State.

At Rhema Care, protection is one of our core missions, which is to guarantee access to adequate shelter in humanitarian emergencies. That is why we would be providing and maintaining shelters for Persons UNHCR serves (PUS), and provide technical skills and materials for self-support shelter project by refugees in the settlements.

Many of the Cameroonian Refugees in Cross River, Akwa Ibom, Benue and Taraba are seeking refuge in overburdened basic infrastructures in many communities in the states mentioned above. Rhema Care in partnership with UNHCR and other humanitarian organizations carried out a Participatory Assessment in 2022. The Assessment revealed a huge gap in the availability of the basic facilities in the states mentioned above. This informed Rhema Care poise in making sure that that the basic facilities in Cross River, Benue, Akwa Ibom and Taraba state are renovated, remodeled and in some cases constructed. This will contribute in the reduction of Sexual, Gender Based Violence (SGBV), negative coping mechanisms and promote peaceful coexistence of the refugees and the host communities. At the long run, improve on the infrastructural decays ailing Nigeria as a nation.

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