
Achieving Control of HIV/AIDS through evidence and Strengthening Urban resilience for Growth and equity (ACHIEVE SURGE) Project

The ACHIEVE SURGE project is to adequately provide services to the enrolled OVC and their Households (HHs). To achieve the overall goal of the project, Rhema Care implemented series of activities including caregivers programs, forming and sustaining kids club, adolescent clubs, review meetings with community volunteers, Referral for HIV Counseling and Testing Services, Escort services for CLHIV and PLHIV, Clinical Emergency responses, emergency food support,  Food demonstration, Household economic strengthening, monitoring and supervision, care and support, block granting, Gender based responses, child protection, birth registration, etc.

Some key outcomes of the project includes increased adherence to drug among CLHIV and PLHIV, Viral load suppression, mitigation of the impacts of HIV on affected families through economic strengthening, improved caregivers’ capacity for appropriate parenting, reduction of gender inequality, Assisted referral for PLHIVs, increased awareness on the plights of OVC among relevant stakeholders and improved organization capacity and collaboration of local stakeholders at CBO, Community and LGA level in analyzing and delivering on quality services to OVC.

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